Saturday, October 29, 2005

Foy the New Democrat Leader

Vocal new leader of the Democrat Party Wayne Foy is looking for donations to purchase the new Democrat Headquarters. It worked out so well for his Campaign that he thought he would continue the tradition. A foreclosed property from the same party who bankrupt the City.

Foy stated "if it does not work for Headquarters we can house the Guardians Angels there." Unfortunatly other than that Martiniano fellow nobody has volunteered for GA duty.

Other alternative plans are to use it to house the Ferris Wheel workers for LoPorto's new Waterfront Project.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Why aint we talking Sandwich?

I heard that other blog was going to be talking sandwiches this week and it got my taste buds a jumping. When I'm thinking tasty treat I just think of a big hulk of Dunne sanwiched between these two fine slices. I know what you guys are thinking, (Hey Bill can any guy be that lucky) but I will never tell. MMMMMMMMMMMM LYNN TASTY


Thursday, October 20, 2005

District 3...From the Man himself

(A Speical Post by Billiam Dunne)

Alright enough of the whining, time to get down to my District 3 pic.

In the GOP corner- Art Judge.

In the Democrats corner- Pete Ryan.

Those are two sweet names. You really can't misspell either of 'em.

I mean, all the time people misspell my name. They always call me Bill Done. Or One and Done. Or Done Nuthan.

Hey guys, it's Bill D-U-M-B, I mean D-U-N-N-E.

Oh yeah, district 3. Here's who I like.

Pete Ryan. Why not. Seems like a nice guy, and I mean Art, he's been in there for two terms, and he only cares about the people in his district. We need to get rid of guys like that. I mean, Neighborhood Improvement Through Code Enforcement. What is that? And those yellow signs?

Vote for Pete Ryan, because...why not.


(A Special Post by Billiam Dunne)

I just wanted to thank my mommy for showing up at the debate last night. I thought it was very interesting that she would be the only person to bring up that JAIL BAIT, I mean County Jail Topic. She is so smart and it just goes to show you that no matter what you do, MOMMY will always be there to protect you. I was surprised by the number of people there rooting for my opponent. Where did all these youngsters come from?

Coming soon my multi part KOPKA Files, yes, everything from stealing unemployment payments, real estate deals and the Connection to Cinema Art Theater.

Stay Tuned,


He means it...

Bill Dunne for City Council: reaching out and touching the people of New York, girls first.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005



Star Exemptions are Cool

This is Michael Lo Porto's Brunswick home where according to the State Liquor Authority, State Tax and Finance, Dept of State and Town of Brunswick is his legal residence.
We at Dunne Nuthin have no more to say in this matter.

Friday, October 14, 2005

District 2...

(A Special Post By Billiam Dunne)

As promised here is my choice in District 2.

We have Mark McGrath, a hardworking family man with ties to the community...


Flora Carr, ummm, she's a woman.

Other than that I don't know much about her. I think she's African-American, that's nice. But she should win, because the guy that won last time, his name is Jacko. I liked him too, but he would never be mean, he would always make the sensible decision. I hate that.

So anyway, vote for Flora Carr, because we don't need good family men with ties to Troy in office.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Less than Four Weeks...

(A Special Post By Billiam Dunne)

It's almost time boys and girls- Election Day.

Over the next three weeks I'll tell you exactly who to vote for and why.

Today's Guest? Dan Doran- District 1 Candidate

You should vote for Dan. He is great. He moved to Lansingburgh to run for office, even though he knows no one up there. Need a reason to vote for Dan? On three separate occasions he voted to remove term limits in the City of Troy. Dan hates term limits. In fact, after serving 8 years already, Dan had to move so he could abuse more people with his awful government. God Bless Dan Doran.

Still not convinced? Well, he also raised taxes more than 35 percent when he was on the Council. And the water rate, too. That nearly doubled.

Plus, if you elect Dan again he will be able to paint the fire hydrants in downtown on Earth Day!!! Lansingburgh is not in downtown? Oh! Someone better tell Dan, he has no idea where the Burgh is.

That's ok though, he's still the best.

Good luck Dan!!! You only lost the Working Families Party by ONE vote, you should crush Mark Wojcik!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Police and Fire Dept Screw Up

The Troy Police and Fire Department endorsed my opponent Bill Pascarell. Really I do not blame them. If there is anyone out there that will write a letter to the paper saying that they really didn't endorse Pacarell, they just don't like me I would really appreciate it.

I did get endorsements from Elda and Cloud 9 so at least I have that going for me. Seeing as how I have done absolutly nothing for the quaility of life in my district, these endorsements are really important to me. I am still waiting on the Joseph's House endorsement so keep your fingers crossed.

Peace Out