Friday, February 03, 2006

Minority Leader Dunne gets new Counsel

Rotten Undies to Advise Dunne

I have recently hire Anthony Rotten Undies Rotundi as my legal Counsel. As you know, the ethically challenged Josh Sabo from the same Law firm as RU usually did good deeds like sue the citizens of Troy and North Greenbush and other Democrat politically motivated crap. Well now he cannot devote the time to me as he has taken on the task of screwing the citizens of North Greenbush on a regular basis. I bet in no time the Town will be insured by Carignan.

Here is a picture of RU after coming in 2nd in the Golden Corral eat off. After the buffet battle RU, me and the ladies went back to my place who I bought from good friends the Maiers. Can you believe I only paid 4 times what they paid for it, I am the king of the sweet deals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Rotten has gotten off to a bad start. If he advised Dunne to defend CEO in his 15 minute monologue at the City Council meeting, Dunne should fire him. Bill thought he would act brilliant using his deep internal knowledge of CEO employees and programs, Billy was way wrong. What else would you expect from a bleeding heart Demodorkus? Defend the thieves who steal your money to line their pockets under the guise of helping the poor and needy. Way to go James Franco for laying it out in the Sunday Record. I would have loved to see the face of Dunne as he peers over his Chuck Schumer glasses to read the Sunday paper. He probably spit up in his granola.

P.S. Does CEO install high end home theater systems? Perhaps Bill could become a sub-contactor I hear they pay real well...

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing how much influence I have on Bill Dunne. Since he can't think for himself,I can tell him anything and he'll believe it. When I told him the administration was bringing the HOME program in house to balance the budget, he believed me. When I told him CEO was getting screwed over he believed me again and defended Karen Gordon. Jim Franco made him look stupid on that one, sorry Bill. Even Bob Martiniano believes me to this day. Even after his election day trouncing, he still listens to me. Maybe its true, I am becoming the next Steve Dworsky.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Rotten Undies and Sabo can advise the queen of Washington Park's significant other after his arrest at the Cinema Art raid. It appears he was a queen himself. Joe not only was the receiver of cash for the establishment but also the receiver of ass, and other deposits.

9:22 PM  

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