Tuesday, November 08, 2005



----- Original Message -----
From: Dunne4Troy@aol.com
To: ahall@capital.net ; alane.hohenberg@verizon.net ; alexandra@unitedprestroy.org ; allbluestroy@hotmail.com ; Anita.TaraqjiOgali@labor.state.ny.us ; AnneRua@aol.com ; AUSTINIRA@aol.com ; bc625@juno.com ; BilFazJr@aol.com ; blockr@rpi.edu ; bsteckley1@yahoo.com ; bwalsh@nycap.rr.com ; cbsmith@nycap.rr.com ; cerickson@acmenet.net ; CJFRyan@aol.com ; cop625@nycap.rr.com ; createtroy@lycos.com ; curzan01@nycap.rr.com ; cydneb@msn.com ; danarudolphandcompany@yahoo.com ; DavidMBegin@aol.com ; Debsegel@aol.com ; DRITTNER@aol.com ; edmcdonough@rensco.com ; ElectFlora@aol.com ; emaroo@gmail.com ; famajoe@yahoo.com ; garnera@aplususa.com ; gculbertson@merleculbertson.com ; gfitzger@nycap.rr.com ; ginny@capital.net ; gracek@rpi.edu ; gschristopher@tapinc.org ; hilary@triponline.org ; Hocks44@aol.com ; HolmEng@aol.com ; info@bournebrook.com ; j.pattison@verizon.net ; jbulloug@nycap.rr.com ; jbulloug@nyx.net ; jdaniels@lpmedia.net ; jim.conroy2@verizon.net ; Jim@deseve.com ; jimmer@nycap.rr.com ; JJBrearton@aol.com ; john@bullough.net ; josh.sabo@townelaw.com ; jpattison@nycap.rr.com ; kblodgett@gmail.com ; kylegracey@gmail.com ; karenrandlett@yahoo.com ; lamos1@nycap.rr.com ; ldedrick@workingfamiliesparty.org ; lkopka@earthlink.net ; lmahone1@nycap.rr.com ; lucyannlarner@yahoo.com ; macred@capital.net ; magai@capital.net ; MareCON56@aol.com ; matt@rjcinsurance.com ; maud27@verizon.net ; mdavis01@nycap.rr.com ; MichlNofal@aol.com ; mikepollack@hotmail.com ; mjp3@nycap.rr.com ; mdrourke@att.net ; mlopez@tapinc.org ; morphy@psgglaw.com ; mrotondi@earthlink.net ; mstierer@webtv.net ; mstreb@nycap.rr.com ; nelsob2@rpi.edu ; newmaa3@rpi.edu ; oatman@rpi.edu ; OMALL50@aol.com ; omork@mac.com ; peterjlucas@excite.com ; pgrimm@bso.org ; pgandthemick@peoplepc.com ; pierce@rpi.edu ; pittsf@aplususa.com ; rdefazio@nycap.rr.com ; rhirsch@nycap.rr.com ; rla1000@hreg1000.com ; rmartiniano@msn.com ; robert.gamble4@verizon.net ; robert_gregor@yahoo.com ; RobHilts@aol.com ; russellziemba2004@yahoo.com ; scollins@collinslumber.com ; Sjwsteele@aol.com ; smuller1@nycap.rr.com ; spanishblues@yahoo.com ; spiritnakitaskye@hotmail.com ; srein1@nycap.rr.com ; steven@bouchey.com ; TGYAND@aol.com ; Thejoyfulpen@aol.com ; thilabel@capital.net ; thobbs@nycap.rr.com ; tinau@nycap.rr.com ; tmattson1@nycap.rr.com ; troyhillside@yahoogroups.com ; triptroy1@msn.com ; troycouncil@yahoogroups.com ; troyevents@yahoo.com ; USSSLATER@aol.com ; votersguide@lwvny.org ; wfoy@nycap.rr.com ; woodhull@gmail.com ; zo.is@verizon.net
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 4:02 PM
Subject: Please help me.

Friends and Constituents,

My opponent's are trying to steal my race using anonymous mailings and phone calls, slandering me. None of what they are saying is true. Please read and circulate the attached to anyone you know and ask them to pass it on. I am the Republican's prime target because of my criticism of the Weed and Seed program (and the missing $100,000) and the jail expansion. For some reason these issues have hit a huge nerve. If I am voted out, we will never know the reason they are so upset. Also, call the Record and ask why my plan to combat absentee landlords was never printed. I have attached a copy of that as well. This is not the only plan I have that the papers have never printed. Why? I do not know. Call Nick Cantiello at 270-1288 and ask him.

I cal be reached at 368-5532


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Blog! I have a blog about penis enlargement, maybe you'd like to read it

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan I and were just lounging in bed looking for a good flog, ooops, I mean blog. Great stuff

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for not mentioning all my ethics problems. You're real pals

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great read, especially when you're all liquored up!

2:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disa really lame-a, you knowa like Italians

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if I lose, it'll give me more time with the pros in Albany. Thanks for the support.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I get something to drink, please!

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you guys about the time Jack Mahoney arrested me. I was awfully wasted and then my Daddy came to the station and bitch-slapped me. It was rehab after that.

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave my son alone! I went to many of his council meetings(more than Pete Ryan) and Bill looked so handsome sitting up there, I am so proud of him. Please vote for him so that he can win. I am sick and tired of him calling me 5 or 6 times a day worrying about the election. If I have to rock him to sleep one more night I don't know what I'll do. Please re-elect him so that my husband and I no longer have to suppport him and his girlfriend. She is a big eater you know, we just can't afford it any more.

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This email list has just about every nutcase in Troy on it. Liberal bleeding hearts, non-profit employees, sexually confused people, including hermaphrodites and thespians. Are all these people friends and constituents. Based on Mr. Dunne's history and experience with email, I'm glad I am not on the list... Where is TroyChica? ChicaChicaBoom?Tania@Dasny and all the others we have heard about? Do they know that Dunne proposed legislation taxing the air we breathe? Or the law he wanted to pass that would require the city council to vote on whether or not to allow certain people to move into the city. Imagine having to wait for the city council to vote on allowing you to move into the city?? He is a sick boy. He continues to fabricate friggin' lies about his opponent and still nurses from his mother. Sick, sick, sick boy.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Email to Jim Conroy for help - I LOVE IT!!!

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, RPI Dems on there; they actively encouraged people *not* to vote for him!

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place is definitly more fun then the Troy polloi. You assholes poking fun at Harry and Dan, smell the coffee fella's. The city is finally on the correct path. Apparently you closet dems never got over drunk ass Pattison being term limited out. Dan and Harry have accomplished more in 2 years than the previous bag of assholes did in 8. Get out of here and take that windbag degerahian with you.

11:02 PM  

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