Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Close Encounters of a 4th District Kind!

Highland Avenue, 5pm, last Friday: Two RPI College Republicans were informing the good people of district 4 how I'm banned from state buildings for my desire to photograph interns, handing out flyers with my picture. Ignorant fools. I asked them who was paying them, and what did they tell me? That they're volunteers. Can you believe it? Apathetic youngsters pounding the pavement for my opponent for FREE! What would possess them to do that? Is the guy running against some kind of pervert or something? I did the responsible thing and tore the literature off of several mailboxes. Fortunately, they didn't ask my female acquaintance if I'd photographed her yet. She changed her voter registration just to help me win the Working Families line. This could be love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have smacked that asshole. My one dream in life is the day he gets caught with a crossdresser.

11:36 PM  

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